Contact + FAQ


What are your favorite foods?
The Sells household has many favorites! I think as far as a meal favorite, we lean to the Mexican food side, at least a homemade version, anyway. It’s always a good night when cheese tops your meal. A good Mexican salad or rice bowl with fresh cilantro and salsa makes us very happy! 

Favorite recipes?
Kodi makes the most delicious challah bread. It’s a big process for sure, but the smell of the house as it completes its baking is like heaven on earth!  I also really enjoy making and eating Chicken Parmesan just like my mother-in-law makes. It’s a great staple recipe with great homemade ingredients.

Where do you live? 
My husband, two kids, and I live in a beautiful tropical city on the Gulf Coast of Florida called Sarasota. We live about 15 minutes away from one of the best beaches in the US. We do try to go to the beach but I’ll admit (being a busy mom) it’s not that often. However, we do take full advantage of the sunny weather and frequent lots of local coffee shops!

Blogging + Podcasting:


Why Podcasting?
Podcasting actually started on a whim for us. I felt led to share one night from my heart and remembered how another family does it that I follow so I figured, why not podcast it.  We had already started Simply Sells Kitchen and thought this would be a great addition to the expression of life that we are living. 

What’s your inspiration?
Our inspiration is the listeners. We aim to speak truth and bring joy to everyone who tunes in. It’s a platform to share about our journey and God in our life in a beautiful way. 

Any advice for beginners?
Honestly, if it’s the desire of your heart, do it! It never hurts to try something! is a great tool to start your own podcast journey. 

Is this your full time job? 
At the Sells house, we actually lead very busy lives with full-time jobs and family. I’m a Pediatric RN, Kodi is a music teacher, and we’re both worship leaders. Simply Sells Kitchen is an inspired idea that we would love to eventually become our full-time job, but for now we are pouring as much time as possible into it with all of our heart.

Website Content + Recipe Sharing:


Can I use a picture or a recipe on my site or blog? 
Yes, of course! We only ask that when you share any content from Simply Sells Kitchen that you clearly link it back to the original recipe or page at our website. Please don’t add or edit any pictures or other original materials in any way.

Can I share recipes or blogs? 
Yes, please do, it’s highly encouraged! That’s what those handy little social media sharing buttons are for. You can even print the recipes out and give them to friends or family.

More Questions? Feel free to connect directly with us below.

We would love to hear from you!
Reach out to us by filling out the form below or directly at or by mail
Sandra Sells,
5429 University Pkwy #1038
University Park FL 34201